Special Events

  • 9/27 Enjoy Gardening? Plant Some Daffodils

    UConn Suicide Prevention Week 2016 presents… PLANTING FLOWERS OF JOY


    Tuesday, 9/27/16, 4:00pm

    between Laurel Hall and the Student Union


    Through the dark days of winter, spring bulbs are hidden beneath the soil, waiting to bloom and bring joy.  Spring Valley Student Farm invites you to join them in planting daffodil bulbs next to the Student Union.  Consider how you can support someone through their dark days by being their spring flower of joy.  Stop by to plant a flower and get a free T-shirt (while supplies last).


    *This event is free and open to the UConn Community.

    Visit http://suicideprevention.uconn.edu/ to learn more about this and other events.

    For more information, contact: CMHS at 860-486-4705