Volunteer Opportunities

  • 9/15 Volunteer in Riobamba, Ecuador with MEDLIFE:UConn


    Join MEDLIFE: UConn! 

    Volunteer on our mobile medical clinic to Riobamba, Ecuador this winter break!

    Come and see what MEDLIFE is about and help plan your trip of a lifetime


    Our first meeting will be Thursday, September 15th in Beach Hall Room 443 from 6-7PM 

    All majors welcome to join and volunteer! 

    In our meeting we will discuss travel plans, what MEDLIFE does for communities around the world, and how we can make a difference. 


    Follow us on instagram @medlifeuconn 

    Like us on facebook at MEDLIFE:Uconn 

    And check out our website for more information: http://medlifeuconn.wixsite.com/medlifeuconn

    For more information, contact: MEDLIFE E-board at medlifeuconn@gmail.com