Campus Information

  • 8/15 Water Pipeline Project Nearing Completion

    Last week Connecticut Water completed the installation of the water pipeline on Route 195 in Tolland and Mansfield that will serve Mansfield and UConn. Between now and August 19th there may be occasional lane closures as they work to pave the trench excavated for the water main installations. Crews will also be working on some off-road restoration in the next few weeks that should not affect traffic.   There will need to be changes in traffic patterns later this fall when the finish quality final paving is done.  Thank you for your patience as they have performed the water main installation in this busy traffic corridor.

    While the pipeline is completed, it is not yet ready to supply water to the area. The team will be testing the pipe, operating valves, and performing other tasks required before the pipe can supply potable water.

     Updates on construction projects are available via e-mail and text directly from Connecticut Water by signing up at > Mansfield/UConn.

    For more information, contact: Jason Coite/Office of Environmental Policy at