Arts and Entertainment

  • 4/18 Art Show

    UConn S.H.A.P.E. has teamed up with photographers and students on campus in a movement to celebrate natural beauty, diversity, and all of the unique things we have to offer.

    This year, UConn S.H.A.P.E. invites you to help us celebrate all shapes, sizes, cultures, diversities, identities, and personalities with our “As I Am” Art Show. There are no rules, no wardrobe specifications, and no makeup requirements. Individuals will be photographed exactly as they are - whatever that may mean to them. Doing what makes them feel the most comfortable and confident: that is what will be captured on camera.

    Join us in the Student Union Art Gallery tonight from 6:00pm-8:00pm to celebrate these models and the beauty that shines through when they put their true self on display.

    Photos will be on display until April 29th.

    For more information, contact: SHAPE at