Health, Wellness, and Safety

  • 4/11 3rd Annual UConnsent Day

    Monday April 11


    University Seal on Fairfield Way

    UConnsent Day is a collaborative program sponsored by Residential Life that aims to foster awareness of healthy relationships and help students develop skills to reduce sexual violence. This program is based on Consent Days hosted at colleges and universities across the country, and was first introduced by a group of students. Last year’s UConnsent Day drew over 200 students to Fairfield Way, where they learned about university resources and services, played games, and learned about consent and healthy relationships.

    This year's theme is "DTTF: Down to Talk First.: If you're "DTF", you need to be DTTF!

    There will be opportunities to win DTTF t-shirts, ribbons, laptop decals and a door prize for those who complete our post-survey!

    Check out our Facebook event here! 


    For more information, contact: Ashley Robinson at