Arts and Entertainment

  • 4/7 Ginger Strand Reads Creative Nonfiction

    The University of Connecticut’s Creative Writing Program cordially invites you to attend this year’s Aetna Celebration of Creative Nonfiction, featuring Ginger Strand. The event will be held on Thursday, April 7, at 6:00 p.m. at the Storrs Center Cooperative Bookstore, and is free and open to the public.
    Ginger Strand is the author of a novel Flight (2005) and four books of nonfiction: Inventing Niagara (2009), Joe’s Junk Yard (2012), Killer on the Road (2014), and The Brothers Vonnegut (2015). She has received grants from the New York Foundation for the Arts, the Mellon Foundation, the Eisenhower Foundation, and the American Antiquarian Society, as well as residency grants from the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, the Center for Land Use Interpretation, the MacDowell Colony, and Yaddo.
    For more information, contact: Erick Piller at