Special Events

  • 3/30 March in Solidarity with Victims Against Terrorism

    Today at 4:00 p.m. a march will be held to demonstrate solidarity with the victims of the terrorist attacks that took place in Brussels on Tuesday.  The attacks murdered 31 people and injured 270 people, according to the Associated Free Press. 

    Amongst those injured were a U.S. Air Force Airman and four members of his family.  The airport attack took place near the U.S. airline counters and the metro attack was less than ½ a mile from the U.S. Embassy.

    The Veteran Student Organization (VSO) invites you to join us for this short march that will commence from the top of Fairfield Way near the Student Union and end at the Ultimate Sacrifice Memorial on Mansfield Way, which is situated on the Great Lawn (Founder’s Field) just in front of the Wilbur Cross Building and next to the Austin Building. 

    Upon arrival at the Ultimate Sacrifice Memorial, participants are encouraged to share their feelings of solidarity with the victims before we observe a minute of silence in their honor.  The event should conclude no later than 4:30 p.m. 

    The Veteran Student Organization denounces these senseless acts of violence perpetrated on innocent people in Belgium.  We believe that by showing our allies that we stand with them in solidarity and by sending a message that the free world rejects terrorism, we help make terrorism less effective and we make the world a safer place.  We must not become apathetic or numb to these atrocities. 

    We hope that you can attend.

    For more information, contact: Sam Surowitz/ VSO President at samuel.surowitz@uconn.edu