
  • Prestigious International Scholarships Sessions

    Rhodes   Marshall   Mitchell   Gates Cambridge   Fulbright

    Learn how to qualify for and apply to these prestigious international scholarships!

    March 29, 2016, 5-6 pm, Rowe 134

    April 11, 2016, 12-1 pm, Rowe 134

    The Rhodes Scholarship funds 1-4 years of graduate study at the University of Oxford (UK) and is awarded to seniors and recent graduates with proven intellectual and academic achievement, integrity of character, interest in and respect for their fellow beings, the ability to lead, and the energy to use their talents to the full.

    Please review all eligibility requirements and rules on the official Rhodes Scholarship website.

    The Marshall Scholarship funds 1-3 (typically 2) years of graduate study at any university in the UK (including Oxford) and is awarded to seniors and recent graduates who demonstrate exceptional academic merit, leadership potential and ambassadorial potential.

    Please review all eligibility requirements and rules on the official Marshall Scholarship website.

    The Mitchell Scholarship funds one year of graduate study in Ireland or Northern Ireland and is awarded to seniors or graduates who demonstrate evidence of significant achievement in three areas: scholarship, leadership, and commitment to community and public service.

    Please review all eligibility requirements and rules on the official Mitchell Scholarship website.

    The Gates Cambridge Scholarship, which funds graduate study at the University of Cambridge (UK), does not require nomination. It is, however, equally prestigious and competitive. Students who wish to be considered for this award must apply directly to the University of Cambridge by October 15.

    Please review all eligibility requirements and rules on the official Gates Cambridge Scholarship website and visit ONS&F or work with a faculty member for guidance through the process.

    Fulbright U.S. Student Program

    Basic eligibility: seniors and graduate students with strong academic records who wish to pursue research, postgraduate study or teach English abroad. (Enrolled students must participate in a campus application process.) More information

    For more information, contact: LuAnn Saunders-Kanabay, Assistant Director, ONS&F at