Arts and Entertainment

  • 4/17 See Avenue Q in NYC -- Or just see NYC

    The Bean Team will be hosting a trip to see Avenue Q in NYC on Sunday April 17!

    Cost of bus and ticket will be $25 and there are 36 spots available. Please sign up here if you are 100% sure that you want to come.

    Bus will be leaving from in front of the COOP at 10am and should be returning around 9 or 10pm the same day.

    There are also 10 spots available on the bus for those who simply want to see NYC, sign up on the same sheet under the right list.  Bus tickets will be $15. 

    Avenue Q is an award winning show featuring humor and sesame street like puppets: here is a like for more details.

    For more information, contact: Agata Harabasz at