
  • Enrolling Participants

    [Volunteers] Wanted for a Research on Risk Messages and Hurricane Sandy

    Study TitleMan vs Storm, assessing audience responses and perceived self efficacy using CERC in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

    Purpose: This research examines the way that audiences responded to risk messages related to Hurricane Sandy. You will be asked to recall your level of preparedness, and perceived self-efficacy, prior to Hurricane Sandy in Connecticut.

    This study is being conducted by faculty and graduate students at the University of Connecticut, as part of an ongoing series of studies concerning how people respond to information about risks. Your participation in this study will require you to complete a survey online.  Survey questions will include demographic questions, questions about perceived self-efficacy, hurricane preparedness, and behavioral intentions. This should take less than 20 minutes of your time.

    Target Population: Coastal residents of Connecticut (18 years and older)

    Your participation will be anonymous and you will not be contacted again in the future. Your participation may help improve the way risk messages are communicated to audiences in the future.  This study was approved by IRB Protocol #X16-009.

    For more details and to complete the survey please visit:

    For more information, contact: Kenneth Lachlan at