
  • White House Women & Girls of Color Research Grant

    White House Collaborative on Equity in Research on Women and Girls of Color

    Research Grants  Announcement

    University of Connecticut


    Last November 2015 the Anna Julia Cooper Center at Wake Forest University and the White House Council on Women and Girls announced an initiative to promote scholarship and research on women and girls of color. By 2050, women of color will constitute more than half of all women in the United States. However, they (along with girls of color) are infrequently the central subjects of scholarly inquiry. This research deficit has meaningful consequences for the ways our institutions contribute to public discourse, policymaking, and knowledge about women and girls of color.

    To address this research deficit, the University of Connecticut, has become a partner institution in the White House Collaborative to Advance Equity through Research on Women and Girls of Color. It also has committed to efforts to broaden our knowledge in these areas through supporting research on women and girls of color. (See the report, herewith:

    As such, the University of Connecticut has established research funding opportunities for research on women and girls of color for researchers who are  internal to the University.  

    Internal Funding

    We are requesting members of the University of Connecticut community, who are either faculty, graduate students, or students to write research funding proposals focusing on women and/or girls of color.  Members of the UCONN community from all disciplines are invited to participate. Fifteen research grants will be distributed to the following University of Connecticut community members (five per category):

    1. Faculty: $5000;
    2. Graduate Students: $2000; 
    3. Undergraduate Students: $500.

    The application is available here - Grant application

    The deadline is April 1, 2016.

    Applicants should provide the following:

    1.      A Research Statement, including the following (no more than two, single-spaced pages):
      1.      The Research Problem
      2.     Contribution to the Field
      3.      Description of the Methods
      4.     Potential for Publication in Scholarly Outlets

    2.    An Itemized Budget for Research Expenses

    3*.     A Letter of Support from a Faculty Adviser (who agrees to advise the research-- undergraduate students only)

    If you have any questions or need more information,  please contact Professor Jelani Cobb ( and Professor Shayla Nunnally (

    For more information, contact: Africana Studies Institute at