Student Organization Events & Information

  • 2/1 Asha for Education: First GBM Today

    Welcome Back Asha Family!!
    Greetings through the interwebs from the laptop of the Anne Johnson!
    We hope you all enjoyed your not-so-wintery winter break! Asha for Education is back with our fun-filled general body meetings. Our first GBM of the spring semester will be today, Monday, 2/1/16 from 7-8pm in SU 324. 
    During the meeting, we will be discussing our events and fundraisers from last semester and our upcoming events and fundraiser ideas for this semester. We will be talking more about ways for members to get involved with the organization through our committees. Over winter break, our President Rhea Johnson and Secretary Anne Johnson, visited one of the project sites Asha contributes to. They will present and discuss highlights of the trip. 
    Come join us and be a part of our mission. Hope to see you all tonight!! REMEMBER ROOM 324!!! We'll also be giving out free pizza, so bring your friends too!
    Asha for Education
    2015-2016 Executive Board
    University of Connecticut
    For more information, contact: Asha for Education at