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  • Learn it. Know it. Love it. Black History ~ AASFA

    African American History Facts brought to you by African American Faculty and Staff Association


    Constance Baker Motley is a highly influential figure in both African-American history and women’s history. She argued 10 Supreme Court cases and was the 1st African American to hold the position of federal court judge. She was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1921 and earned her law degree from Columbia. She became a prominent figure in the fight for civil rights by helping write legal briefs in Brown vs the Board of Education and arguing a number of cases challenging segregation with the NAACP. She was the 1st African-American elected to the New York State Senate and became a federal judge when appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

    To learn more https://youtube/gZy9rTaO9NY

    Celebrate Black History Month ~ AAFSA

    For more information, contact: AAFSA at aafsa.uconn@gmail.com