Special Events

  • Making More Health

    Making More Health: A Social Innovation Opportunity


    The Office of Community Outreach is partnering with Youth Venture to implement an innovative social entrepreneurship program, ‘Making More Health,’ through which students will be empowered to become “Changemakers” in their own communities.Selected participants will receive training and education on social entrepreneurship, focused on health issues in the community. After the conference, participants will have the opportunity to continue their involvement by creating a team project focused on a shared community health interest.

    Is this program for you?

    • You are a creative problem solver, looking to improve the health of your community
    • You are an agent of change, who does not just see problems around you, but opportunities for solutions and progress
    • Making More Health is open to undergraduate students ages 17-22, from all majors and disciplines
    • This is an opportunity to gain experience developing projects with the support of UConn’s Office of Community Outreach, Youth Venture, and the Pharmaceutical Company Boehringer Ingelheim
    • Student teams will be given the opportunity to pitch their own health ventures to health experts
    • The winning student team may win seed funding and project mentorship
    • Students will have the support of Youth Venture when entering their projects into global competitions and applying for grants


    Website for more information

    Click here to apply!

    For more information, contact: Liz Gustafson at student3392@ad.uconn.edu