Special Events

  • 2/1 TEDx Student Speaker Apps Due Today

    “What’s unique about TEDx events is the style by which you give “TED talks” is not like other presentations. It’s an opportunity for storytelling; to tell people how you see the world.” – Johanna Debari, student speaker TEDxUConn 2015

    The mission of TED is to explore ideas worth sharing from all ages and backgrounds. Student voices, undergraduate and graduate, are vital components of the UConn experience and community, and we want to highlight them! This year’s conference is titled: TEDxUConn Systems and Surroundings: Redefined, and we encourage you to apply! This theme is a general direction for our conference, we want to explore the many social, political, and physical environments that shape our lives as individuals and groups. To apply, please fill out the general information application and send us a 2 min. video outlining your topic. http://tedxuconn.com/2016-student-speaker-competition/.

    Applications are DUE TODAY, Feb. 1.

    For more information, contact: TEDxUConn at tedxcuration@gmail.com