Arts and Entertainment

  • 2/3 Join the Nutmeg Writers Group



    Do you feel an uncontrollable creative urge that keeps you up late at night, scribbling in old notebooks in the waning light of a bacon-scented candle while you listen to the croaking of the tree frogs punctuated by the lonesome cries of the feral cats that keep taunting Fluffles, your lovely yet wussy indoor cat?

    Do you view your grocery lists as found poems, reading them in an over-dramatic cadence that you learned from listening to old recordings of T.S. Eliot readings?

    Do you have an irrational crush on Jack Kerouac because you love how he uses words, even though you know that he would leave you stranded and broke on the side of the road in Taos, forcing you to take on a marginal life of selling turquoise jewelry to stoned tourists seeking spiritual cleansing?

    Just want to join a group of creative writers that are supportive and adventurous?


    Come on down to the Nutmeg Writers Group.




    Austin 217




    For more information, contact: Jared Demick at