Student Organization Events & Information

  • 2/26 Calling all Skiers and Snowboarders for Jay Peak

    The UConn Ski and Snowboard Club is running another trip to Jay Peak, Vermont. UConn students and non-UConn students are invited to our weekend trip to one of the greatest mountains in the Northeast. The trip will take place February 26-28th, with bus transportation to and from the mountain. Our bus will leave UConn at 4pm on Friday the 26th, and return after a full day skiing on Sunday the 28th. Price cost is $335 for UConn students, $375 for Non-UConn students. Trip cost includes transportation to and from the mountain, 2 day lift tickets, and 2 nights lodging in the Golf & Mountain Lodging. Again, everyone is welcome, beginners and advanced! Payment is due by Thursday, January 27th. 

    We will be collecting payments Tuesday, January 26th from 12-2 in the Union across from Chuck and Augie's and at the involvement fair, at the UConn Ski and Snowboard Club booth, from 2-7 pm.

    See you on the slopes!

    For more information, contact: Marcela Trocha at