Volunteer Opportunities

  • 1/29 Volunteers Wanted to be Conversation Partners

    The University of Connecticut American English Language Institute (UCAELI) seeks volunteers to act as conversation partners for our Intensive English Program!

    UCAELI has students who come from all different countries to study English. As part of their coursework they have conversation classes with volunteers. This helps students with informal English practice and is a rewarding experience for both students and volunteers.

    During the session, volunteers are placed in small groups with students. Instructors give topics for discussion or an activity. Instructors remain in the class to facilitate as needed. No advance preparation is needed, volunteers should just be ready to talk and participate!

    Come be a part of this exciting experience! As a volunteer you will get the chance to learn about life around the world without leaving UConn! Fill out an application in our office today. We are located in 180 McMahon on the second floor, above the dining hall.

    For more information, contact: Andrew Santos - UCAELI at andrew.santos@uconn.edu - 860-486-2127