Campus Information

  • Weather Communication

    Dear Students,

    Welcome back! We are so glad that many of you enjoyed a return to the comfort of family and friends, received a well-deserved rest, and had a moment to not have to worry about exams, problem sets, and the occasional roommate conflict. 

    We want you to return to campus ready for the winter weather. Make sure you return to campus with cold weather attire such as lined coats, mittens, hats, extra blankets and waterproof boots.  For those of you with cars, emergency supplies such as a flashlight, batteries, ice scraper and traction sand are important for winterizing your vehicle.  Water and non-perishable food will also be important to keep available for when you can’t easily leave your residence.

    It will snow.  There’s no way around it.  When there is severe weather – such as a blizzard – keep in mind that the campus is an enormous physical plant and our resources are prioritized when clearing snow.  Your safety is our top concern and we encourage you to monitor emergency messages on our campus Alert site at  Please also be mindful of campus policies if you need to miss a class.  For those of you who rely on the WRTD bus to get to and from campus, please stay aware of any transportation changes they might have by visiting their website at

    Facilities Operations and Services is a department focused on keeping our buildings and grounds clear and safe during severe weather.  This department is available 24/7 to respond to emergencies and has a downloadable app for filing on campus work orders.  During severe weather, the clearing of snow is prioritized to focus immediately on:

    • ·        Access for emergency vehicles (fire, police, and EMT)
    • ·        Student access to critical areas like Student Health Services and the Dining Halls
    • ·        Emergency building repairs

    Once these needs have been provided for, Facilities will then work to clear roads and enable access for:

    • ·        Transportation (i.e. UConn buses)
    • ·        Access to academic buildings for classes
    • ·        Waste Management
    • ·        Parking Lots

    We share this with you to stress that your health and safety are the University’s top priority.  It also means that some campus comforts may be delayed while we focus on making sure we provide for emergency services on campus.  During those times, it’s important to stay safe, limit your activity outside, and follow the direction of University staff.  Any unsafe conditions on the UConn grounds should be reported to Facilities using the mobile app found on the MyUConn app or by calling 860-486-3113

    Yes, the winter weather presents a unique style of inconveniences.  That being said, UConn is prepared to offer minimal disruption to classes and the functioning of the university.  It takes scores of individuals to keep the campus accessible and safe and we know you will join us in appreciating their dedication to UConn students and staff.




    Eleanor JB Daugherty

    Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students


    Michael Jednak

    Associate Vice President for Facilities Management


    P.S.  Membership on the Dean of Students Advisory Group remains open to the student body.  If you are interested in joining, please email Laura Beltran All are welcome!





    For more information, contact: Dean of Students Office at 860-486-3426