Student Organization Events & Information

  • Happy New Year from Veteran Students Organization

    The Veteran Students Organization would like to wish you a Happy New Years!  We are excited to look forward to 2016 and the upcoming Spring Semester, and we would like to invite all UConn Veteran Students and non-veteran students with a passion for Veteran related events and programs to become involved. The VSO is the only UConn Undergraduate Student Organization that is run entirely by and for veterans.  In the past, all seven of our executive officer positions could only be filled by Undergraduate Student Veterans, however this semester we will be operating under our new constitution that only mandates that the majority of our officers be veterans.  This allows potentially up to three officer positions to be filled by non-veteran undergraduates such as currently serving military, veteran family members, ROTC students, and non-military affiliated students with a passion for veteran related issues and activities.  As some of our members are graduating we expect to have officer positions to fill this semester and invite you to become involved as an officer or general member! Happy New Year's Eve and see you next semester!

    For more information, contact: Samuel Surowitz at