Academic and Scholarly Events

  • Critical Perspectives on Education-Call for Papers

    Are you currently an undergraduate student or a recent graduate either in the workforce or in graduate school? If so we are interested in hearing your story about your educational experience. Despite your position as the recipient in an educational setting, it is rare to hear the student’s perspective other than through word-of-mouth. The truth is, very little has been formally published by students about their experiences in education.  For many, these experiences have not been beneficial and those who do not excel tend to have greater difficulty with achieving their goals. In addition, important aspects of what should be a college education are not addressed or are simply addressed in non-beneficial ways.  Given this situation we seek critical perspectives from college students or recent graduates that address a wide variety of questions pertaining to your educational experiences with the purpose of shedding light on what we see as America’s current higher education crisis.

    If you are interested in submitting a piece we ask that you consider the following questions as a means of focusing your work. Submissions are not limited to these questions but they may prove helpful.

    • What type of education have you received (private / public; two year / four year, etc…) and how has it impacted your life?  If so, how, and if not, why not?
    • Are there some methods of learning that you feel have been adequately addressed or neglected in your education?  For example, if you are a visual learner were you given adequate visual input versus if you are an audio learner were you given adequate audio input? Additionally, were you given choices over your assignments that promoted creativity?
    • How often is your personal life connected with your classwork? Did you have opportunities to reflect your personal life in your assignments?
    • When you chose a major, if you have at all, did you stay with it? What factors were important to you when deciding on a major? For example, pursuing your passion, career-driven major, financial factors, etc…
    • How have financial aid or scholarships impacted your educational experience? Do you feel that your financial situation has affected your study habits/other habits regarding your education?
    • How has your time in college differed from what you previously expected it would be? How is it similar?
    • Are you involved with any clubs/sports/teams/organizations and how have they impacted your educational experience? Have you been able to utilize your extracurricular activities in your education? Does your education and career-goals have an impact on the activities you decide to partake in?
    • In what type of setting do you learn the best and do you feel able to accomplish this with your college courses?
    • If you could change anything about your college experience what would it be?
    • If money was not a factor in decision-making, what would you be doing right now? How would it differ from the path you are currently taking and why?
    • Do you feel that you have grown throughout your time in college in the various aspects of your life?
    • Were you able to maintain your passions and hobbies throughout your college career? Have you ever been able to utilize them in your coursework?
    • Do you feel confident that your college education has or will prepare you to enter the workforce in the field of your studies?
    • Tony Wagner, education specialist, states…

    “Young people who are intrinsically motivated — curious, persistent, and willing to take risks — will learn new knowledge and skills continuously. They will be able to find new opportunities or create their own — a disposition that will be increasingly important as many traditional careers disappear.”

    • How does this quote relate to your educational experiences and future career goals?

    We ask these questions in order to understand from the student’s point of view the various factors that impact one’s education and contribute to their positive or negative experiences.

    We are looking for each piece to reflect the students’ perspectives in a variety of styles including scholarly, personal story, poem, etc. in an effort to enable the writer to fully express their viewpoint. 

    For more information, contact: Mallory Pracella at