School, Program, and Course Information

  • New Class Offered by CLCS Department


    CLCS 3888 / W 2:00 – 4:45 – (Taught In English)

    Professor Amara Lakhous

    "Narrating the Arab Spring"

    The Arab Spring was a political, social, and cultural earthquake. In a short period of time, four dictators

    were forced out of office: in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen. While each case must be studied

    separately, the very fact of their overthrow is proof that the Arab world is not homogeneous. In Tunisia

    and Egypt, the uprisings were successful because certain elements of modernity, including a strong

    civil society, existed. Tunisia, for example, promulgated its first constitution in 1861; Egypt formed its

    first parliament in 1866, just five years after the unification of Italy. The situation differed in Yemen,

    Libya and Syria, societies based on tribes and clans, without the necessary elements of the modern

    state. Our study will encompass and confront these realities.

    Our attempt to understand the Arab Spring will be based on the narratives of writers, filmmakers,

    artists, photographers, cartoonists, musicians, etc. We shall attempt to analyze the Arab Spring within

    its three essential time frames: before, during, and, especially, the aftermath. We shall examine causes

    and effects: What role did corruption play in the advent of the Arab Spring? Why was non-violence

    understood as essential to its success? Why did the violence of the military and the fundamentalists

    result in the failure of these revolutions? Why did certain Arab countries “miss” their Arab Spring?

    For more information, contact: Professor Philip Balma at