
  • Apps Due 1/6 - Translational Research Internship

    The Office of Undergraduate Research is pleased to announce a summer biomedical research internship program for UConn undergraduates: the Translational Research Internship Program. This summer research internship is designed to provide undergraduate students with greater insight into the physician-scientist career path (combined M.D./Ph.D.). Students will conduct research under the direction of a faculty member at UCHC while gaining a better understanding of the clinical side of medicine by shadowing a physician/surgeon. The program will allow students to see firsthand the interplay of biomedical research and clinical medicine.

    Undergraduate students with an interest in both medicine and research, a minimum GPA of 3.5, who plan to graduate no earlier than December 2016, are encouraged to apply. Applicants must possess a strong background in science, having completed at least two semesters each of college biology and college chemistry. Prior lab experience is strongly preferred.

    The program will support 1-2 students who will receive a stipend of $350/week over the course of the 10-week internship. All application materials (including two letters of recommendation) must be submitted by Wednesday, January 6, 2016.

    Additional information is available at:

    For more information, contact: Office of Undergraduate Research at