Arts and Entertainment

  • 12/6 UConn Choirs to present "Bach & Bernstein"

    On Sunday, December 6th at 4:00pm, the UConn Concert Choir under the direction of Dr. Jamie Spillane and the UConn Festival Chorus under the direction of Brian Stevens and Rachael-Anne Minor will present a powerful concert of choral music including the combined choirs singing Leonard Bernstein's incomparable "Chichester Psalms" with guest treble soloist, Ethan Hanzlik, J. S. Bach's complex and uplifting sacred motet "Der Geist hilft unser Schwacheit auf," Vivaldi's well-known "Gloria," and more. Please join us for a great afternoon of music. Admission $10.00, students free.

    For more information, contact: UConn Choral Office at (860) 486-2562