School, Program, and Course Information

  • History Winter Intersession Courses

    Sign Up for 2015 Winter Intersession Courses


    HIST 3530: The Asian American Experience Since 1850 / Survey of Asian American experiences in the United States since 1850. This course covers the history of Asian migration, U.S. wars in the Asian Pacific, the evolution of American racism, and the emergence of the model minority paradigm. Three required texts. (used copies available at the Co-Op)


    HIST 3554: Immigrants and the Shaping of U.S. History / The origins of immigration to the United States and the interaction of immigrants with the social, political, and economic life of the nation after 1789, with emphasis on such topics as immigration reform, industrialization, national identity, ethnicity, and racism. One required text. (Used copies available at the Co-Op)


    Contact Prof. Jason O. Chang /

    For more information, contact: Prof. Jason Oliver Chang at