Arts and Entertainment

  • Been to The Benton Museum Store Lately?

    THE BENTON MUSEUM STORE has all new merchandise! Bring your holiday shopping list with you and check out these items:

    - art socks. Think "The Scream," Mona Lisa," and "The Great Wave."
    - coloring books. Designs include Kaleidoscopes, Mandalas, Wild Kingdom images.
    - art notecards -- Georgia O'Keefe, Edward Gorey, Gustav Klimt
    - Sierra Club holiday cards
    - unique stocking stuffers
    - spectacular, cozy, warm infinity scarves
    - gorgeous new jewelry
    - and more!

    Supplies of each item are limited. 

    ARE YOU A MUSEUM MEMBER? If so, show your membership card and you get a 10% discount off everything!

    And while you're here, be sure to see our current exhibitions:
    The 49th Annual Art Department Faculty Show
    Sacred Sisters: In Praise of Art & Poetry 

    MUSEUM HOURS: Tues-Fri 10-4:30 / Weekends 1-4:30

    University of Connecticut
    School of Fine Arts
    245 Glenbrook Road
    Storrs, CT

    For more information, contact: The Benton at 860-486-4520