School, Program, and Course Information

  • Best Intersession Class Ever? Yeah, Probably.

    You're Invited

    POLS 2998, Political Issues: Genocide and Narrative Politics

    Who: Undergraduate students of all majors

    What: Three-credits in three weeks

                What is genocide?

                Why does it happen?

                What are real people’s stories of their experiences?

                Consider these questions and more through films, testimonies, news articles, plays, music, historical accounts, and international             relations theory. You bring an open mind. I'll bring the snacks.

                It will be a student-centered environment based on experiential, active learning. It’s my hope the this environment will allow each student to enjoy the learning process in their own way.

    When: Intersession 2016, 4:00-7:00pm 

    Where: Storrs Campus, Oak 

    Requests for honors conversions are welcomed. 

    For more information, contact: Shawna M. Lesseur at