
  • New Scholarship Fund in Memory of Val Pichette


    For nearly 20 years, Valerie Pichette served as executive assistant to Dean Richard Schwab at UConn’s Neag School of Education, as well as a longtime mentor to innumerable students and friend to many colleagues campus-wide. Pichette passed away on Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015. In remembrance of her longtime dedication to the University, the Neag School announces the launch of a new endowed scholarship in her name, the Valerie J. Pichette Scholarship Fund.

    Established with the support of her family, friends, colleagues across the Neag School and the larger University, as well as students past and present, this fund honors Pichette’s 30 years of service to the state of Connecticut and will offer financial assistance to students enrolled in the Neag School’s teacher education program. 

    To make a donation to the Valerie J. Pichette Scholarship Fund, please visit

    To read more, click here.

    For more information, contact: Stefanie Dion Jones at