School, Program, and Course Information

  • Spring Course: Race/Ethnicity, Religion, Migration

    Spring Course: Interdisciplinary Class On Race/Ethnicity, Migration And Religion In Israel And Ethiopia.

    HEJS 3298-001; SOCI 3398: Ethiopian Jews In Ethiopia And Israel: The Contested Nature Of Ethnic Differences And National Belonging

    MWF 10:10AM-11:00AM


    In this course we will follow different moments of membership inclusion/exclusion in modern history of Ethiopian Jews (Beta Israel) - and the broader social context in which they are embedded - from the 19th century, through the great migration to Israel to contemporary social problems Israel. Looking at the social trajectory of Ethiopia Jews, we will examine more broadly the contingent and contested nature of categorical membership along racial, ethnic and religious lines, and across different cultural, temporal and national contexts. 

    The class is a joint course: Center For Judaic Studies and Sociology Department. It is interdisciplinary in its readings and approach, and relevant for students interested in the following topics: religion, nationhood, ethnicity/race, Immigration, culture, and social problems.

    Topics To Be Covered:

    • Sociological and Anthropological literature on the Making of Ethnic and Racial Categorization 
    • Immigration and Contemporary Social Problems in Israel
    • Religious Boundaries in Ethiopia and Ethiopian Jewishness 

    For any questions: (Adane)

    For more information, contact: Adane Zawdu at