
  • 12/7 Campus Deadline for Udall Scholarship

    • Are you working towards positive solutions to environmental challenges or to issues impacting Indian country?
    • Have you demonstrated your commitment to one of these areas through public service?
    • Do you inspire and motivate others to take action?
    • Are you committed to making a difference through civility and consensus building?

    SOPHOMORES & JUNIORS from any discipline who are passionate about the environment and involved in environmental advocacy, service, innovation and/or research should check out the Udall Scholarship, a prestigious $7,000 national scholarship for undergraduate education.  In addition to recognizing a commitment to the environment, Udall Scholarships may also be awarded to Native American students who are interested in tribal policy or health care.

    Each year, universities are permitted to nominate up to six candidates to compete at the national level.  UConn students must first complete an internal application due on December 7, 2015 before entering the 2016 national competition.  Information, previous UConn winners and the application for nomination may be found HERE.

    For more information, contact: Jill Deans, ONS&F at