Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 11/18 Puppetry & Digital Performance in Boston Hospitals

    As part of its Fall Puppet Forum Series, the Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry at the University of Connecticut will host UConn Digital Media and Design Faculty Tim Hunter and Samantha Olschan and Boston-based puppeteer Honey Goodenough for a fascinating presentation entitled Puppetry and Digital Performance in Boston Hospitals on Wednesday, November 18 at 7 p.m. in the Ballard Institute Theater, located at 1 Royce Circle in Storrs Center.

     Join us in a discussion of the exciting contemporary intersections of puppetry, digital performance, and medicine as we focus on two projects currently underway at Boston Children's Hospital: the Interactive Media Wall designed by Professors Tim Hunter, Samanthan Olschan, and others in UConn's Digital Media & Design Department, and the work puppeteer Honey Goodenough has been doing with the hospital's Simulator Program. 

     Admission to forums is free (donations greatly appreciated!), and refreshments will be served. Come early, and experience our puppet exhibitions, as well as the video resources in our library nook. Forums will also be live-streamed on our UStream page. Visit for more information.


    For more information, contact: Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry at (860)486-8580 or