School, Program, and Course Information

  • 11/30 Alternate Pathways to Business Workshop

    The School of Business invites you to learn about alternate paths to a career in business at our new workshop Alternate Paths to Business.  We’ll be discussing how to immerse yourself in the world of business without actually majoring in business.  There are countless paths students can take to land a career in business, many of which start with things you can do now and here at UConn.  Minors, certificates, getting involved in business student organizations, and how to focus your plan of study in topical areas will all be discussed during the workshop.  Two dates are offered for your convenience.


    Alternate Pathways to Business

    Monday, November 30, 2016 at 7pm in BUSN 2014

    For more information, contact: School of Business Office of Undergrad Advising at 860-486-2315