Special Events

  • #WorldKindnessDay

    Friday, November 13th marks World Kindness Day.

    Student Activities is co-sponsoring A Day of Kindness, with Residential Life, to bring awareness to the need of more kindness.  We will be hosting a food drive to collect canned goods for a local food pantry, and doing a Monetary Donation Challenge.  The Day of Kindness Food Drive is the kickoff to the Community Outreach Food Drive that supports multiple agencies in the community. Participants can share their kindness stories and enjoy giveaways that will remind them to choose kindness.  There will be light refreshments so join us as we attempt to make the world a kinder place. 

    A Day of Kindness will take place Friday, November 13, 2015 from 2pm - 4pm in the Student Union North Lobby. (North Lobby is across from SU Room 104)


    For more information, contact: LaKeya at 8604862735