Volunteer Opportunities

  • Alternative Spring Break To West Virginia

    Come join the EcoHouse Learning Community on an alternative spring break to West Virginia!  Learn about the history and effects of the coal mining industry from locals themselves.  Service work is done for the non-profit Friends of Milam Creek, which is a local organization trying to improve the community in Wyoming County, West Virginia.  Service work includes environmental restoration, planting in the community garden, and assisting Friends of Milam Creek with community projects.   

    The trip leaves on Saturday March 12th and returns in the afternoon on Sunday, March 20th.

    Application: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YY2WHQP

    For more information, contact: Will Perret or Jen Bourque at William.Perret@uconn.edu or Jennifer.Bourque@uconn.edu