Volunteer Opportunities

  • 11/3 LGBTQIA+ Panelists/Speakers Recruitment

    The Rainbow Center is recruiting a diverse class of volunteers who can serve on panels and facilitate solo to educate the UConn campus about SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, & Gender Expression) topics. A training session is provided to assist you in developing your SOGIE  narrative and/or coming out process, which will include aspects of your personal journey and development; and you will learn how to respond to questions in an authentic manner.  Each speaker/panelist will learn the structure of the SOGIE Narratives and how to work with other panelists and facilitate solo to create one of the most rewarding, effective educational experiences on campus.

    The Fall ‘15 training sessions are11.13.15 Or 12.4.15  (3:30-10 pm) Rainbow Center (403 Student Union) – Food will be provided.  You will need to attend only one of the sessions.

    To apply by November 3, 2015, please submit an application at http://rainbowcenter.uconn.edu/speakers-bureau/ 

    For more information, contact: Rainbow Center at 860-486-5821