Arts and Entertainment

  • 10/22 Aetna Awards Night

    The 26th Annual Aetna Prize Night, in a new location this year on Oct. 22 at the UConn Co-op Bookstore at Storrs Center,  will celebrate both UConn students and Connecticut Writing Project teacher-consultants who have won awards this year in academic and creative writing. Professor Thomas Long will be the guest speaker.

    Refreshments 6:30pm, awards ceremony begins 7pm

    UConn Coop Bookstore at Storrs Center

    First-Year Writing

    Joshua Weist, “Corruptive Villainy: Finding the Root of Evil.” (Instructor: Melissa Rohrer)

    Ratcliffe Hicks

    Julia Nattila, “Easy is the Descent into Hell”: Seeing the Pain of Others in Breaking Bad. (Instructor: Emma Burris-Janssen)

    Graduate Critical Essay Contest

    Eleanor Reeds, “The Human Dimension of ‘Telegraphic Orders’: Agency and Communication in Ruiz de Burton’s Who Would Have Thought It?” (Instructor: Clare Eby)

    For more information, contact: Tom Deans at 860-486-9728