Special Events

  • Help SHAPE Celebrate UConn's Diversity

    Students Helping to Achieve Positive Esteem (S.H.A.P.E.) will be hosting a free fashion show called "Cat Walk to End Fat Talk" on Sunday, November 1st to embrace UConn’s diversity. Our goal is to highlight all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, and personalities. We’re looking for students and/or groups of friends who will be willing to model whatever they want to wear (but we do have to keep it PG-13).


    Model Requirements:

    • Dress like yourself
    • Act like yourself
    • Wear your personality
    • Grow your confidence
    • Celebrate you

    What do you have to lose?


    What do you have to gain?

    Fun memories and lots of confidence!


    Please fill out this survey if interested: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MCJRJ76

    For more information, contact: Stephanie Voytek at stephanie.voytek@uconn.edu