Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 10/1 The Ethical Biologist Call for Papers

    The Ethical Biologist, UConn's only peer-reviewed undergraduate journal, is accepting articles from undergrads to be published in Spring 2016!

    We are currently accepting submissions for our fourth issue, to be published in the spring of 2016.  We encourage the submission of pieces that address current issues in bioethics, or that consider the behavioral, biological, environmental, political, legal, or socioeconomic factors that influence bioethical issues.

    • Original Academic Research Papers (2500-3500 words) – Pieces that address a specific area of bioethical study
    • Perspectives (1200 word maximum) – Opinion pieces that analyze a recent development in bioethics
    • Field notes (2000 word maximum) – Journal-style pieces based on relevant personal experience and written with a more personal voice

    Submission deadline is 12/1/15 at 11:59 PM

    The Ethical Biologist is a publication funded by USG and edited, reviewed, and produced by members of the Bioethics Club at UConn. Our first meeting is October 1, at 6 PM in SU 317. Come and get more information about our club, and how to get an article published!

    Visit for more information on the journal and what kinds of articles we're looking for!

    For more information, contact: the Bioethics Club at