Arts and Entertainment

  • 9/30 Poet Bruce Cohen to Read TONIGHT

    The University of Connecticut’s Creative Writing Program is pleased to announce that poet Bruce Cohen will be reading a selection from his new book of poems: No Soap, Radio! for all who are interested today, Wednesday, September 30, 2015. The reading will take place at 6:00 pm in the UConn Co-op in Storrs Center.

    Bruce Cohen is an award-winning poet and non-fiction writer. Popular amongst his students at the University of Connecticut, he has authored four collections of his poetry. These works include Swerve (2010), Placebo Junkies Conspiring with the Half-Asleep (2012), and No Soap, Radio! (2015).The fourth, Disloyal Yo-Yo (2009), was awarded the Orphic Poetry Prize in 2007.

    His most recent work, Imminent Disappearances, Impossible Numbers & Panoramic X-Rays, will be published in 2016. This work was recently the 2015 Green Rose Prize winner from New Issues Press.

    For more information, contact: Carla Calandra at