Student Organization Events & Information

  • 9/22 Intersted in Public Health??

    Health inequities are unjust and preventable differences in health between groups of people.


    United Against Inequities in Disease, UAID for short, is a national organization with a local chapter at UConn.  UAID’s mission is to empower students and communities to eliminate health inequities.  Students will gain hands on experience by assessing the public health needs of local communities and implementing community projects.

    UConn's UAID first meeting is TOMORROW(!) Tuesday September 22.  The meeting will be held in Student Union room 324 at 7:30pm.

    Great way to spice up your resume and earn volunteering hours!  Get involved with UAID!


    Feel free to contact us with any questions:
    Email us!
    Tweet at us! @UConnUAID
    Follow us on Facebook!
    UAID National Website

    For more information, contact: UConn UAID at