
  • 9/21 Due 9/21:STEM majors: Apply to Be a McNair Scholar

    Dear UConn students:

    * Are you a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) sophomore or junior?

    * Would you like to become involved with an on-campus undergraduate research project?

    * Do you have a goal of earning a Ph.D. degree in a STEM field?

    If you answered YES, and if you are eligible, you should apply to be a UConn McNair Scholar! Applications are due Monday, September 21, by 4PM, and letters of rec are due Monday, September 28, 2015.

    Eligibility requirements:

    Email Dr. Renee to request the 2015 application at and/or stop by the McNair office (Rowe CUE 204) for more information!

    For more information, contact: Renee M. Gilberti, Ph.D. at