Health, Wellness, and Safety

  • 10/3 Raise Money for Your Organization by Working Out

    BollyX is a Bollywood-inspired high-intensity cardio workout! Join the demo class to sweat it out while dancing to awesome Bollywood beats! 

    Join the competition!! Which student organization can bring the most people?! Bring a team of people and collectively pay $20 (i.e. bring 40 people and pay 50cents each, etc). Whichever organization shows up with the most people gets all the organizations' enterance fees! (i.e. if 5 organzations come, 1 organization will win the $100, etc). Organizations can invite individuals outside of their groups, so get the word out!

    The fee is $3 for any single person coming without a group


    Location: Hawley Armory (right by Oak Hall)

    Saturday, October 3rd


    RSVP by September 30th

    For more information, contact: Meha Sadana at