Special Events

  • Request for Proposals: "Unmasking Social Change"

    The Office of Community Outreach is collaborating with CT Campus Compact and Wesleyan University to organize the Social Justice Leadership Conference. Staff and students from seven public and private institutions are members of the 2015 conference planning committee. The theme this year is Unmasking Social Change.

    The conference will take place on Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 9am-4:30. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided for all attendees. This year’s conference will be held at the Wesleyan University and is expected to rotate to other CTCC member campuses in the future.  

    The one-day conference seeks to create a dedicated space and platform for students who are committed to community service, civic engagement, social justice, and social change.   The 2015 conference theme of Unmasking Social Change is designed to provide a framework where students examine their motivations for social justice and service, enhance their understanding of social issues, and increase their capacity and skills to positively impact their campus and community.

    We are currently looking for workshop proposals.  Students, faculty, staff, and partner organizations are encouraged to submit proposals to present. For detailed Call for Proposal Information please click here. 

    • Individuals or groups that have session ideas that relate to this theme are encouraged to submit a proposal form.
    • Each session should be no more than 75 minutes long.
    • Session proposal applicants will be notified of their acceptance to participate in the conference no later than Friday, October 16, 2015.

    The deadline for submitting a session proposal is Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 8:00pm. 

    To apply to lead a workshop as a student, faculty member, or professional, or to register to attend the conference, go to the Campus Compact website here: http://ctcampuscompact.org/sjlc/

    For more information, contact: Sara Cook at sara.cook@uconn.edu