Volunteer Opportunities

  • Winter Trips to Costa Rica and Birmingham, AL

    Come work with a fantastic group of people during this year’s winter break!  Community Outreach is looking for dedicated, hard-working UConn students to join our alternative winter break trips to Costa Rica and Birmingham, Alabama.  During the two-week long trip to Costa Rica, participants will serve the community of Los Jazmines through build projects and youth workshops with focus on rural poverty.  The weeklong trip to Birmingham, Alabama will focus on urban poverty and civil rights where participants will explore the roots of urban poverty and how it affects community members of many different backgrounds.

    We will be holding joint information sessions on Monday, September 14 at 5:30pm and Thursday, September 24 at 7:00pm.  Both sessions will be held in Laurel Hall room 108.

    For more information about Community Outreach or Alternative Breaks, please visit communityoutreach.uconn.edu and click on "Get Involved".

    Applications will be available online at http://communityoutreach.uconn.edu/alt-break-trips/

    For more information, contact: Sarah/Katie or Brandon/Ariana at uconn.co.costarica@gmail.com or uconn.co.birmingham@gmail.com