Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • Reverse Career Fair & Internship/Co-op Showcase

    Student leaders and former interns and co-ops – bring employers to you!

    Undergraduate students involved with a registered student club and any student who completed an internship or co-op from Fall 2014– Summer 2015 are invited to the apply to the Reverse Career Fair and Internship & Co-op Showcase for a night of networking with employers and the opportunity to show off what they’ve learned during their internship/co-op. 

    Join us for both the Reverse Career Fair and Internship & Co-op Showcase
    Tuesday, September 29th at 4:30-6:00 PM
    Wilbur Cross Building, first floor

    Applications are required by September 10th. Visit reverse for more info!


    Student organization application
    For student club participation in Reverse Career Fair

    Internship & Co-op Showcase application
    For individual internship and co-op presentations

    For more information, contact: Center for Career Development at 8604863013