Arts and Entertainment

  • 8/31 UConn Choral Auditions

    There's a place for YOU in UCONN CHOIRS! Choral Placement Hearings for the fall semester will take place Saturday, August 29th through Tuesday, September 1st. All singers are encouraged to sing a "no-stress" placement hearing so we can help find the best choir for you. Please follow the link below to reserve your hearing time. All students who participate in a choral hearing will be placed in one of our choirs.We look forward to seeing you and hearing you soon! If you would like more information about the eight UConn Choirs, please go to the UConn Choirs webpage:

    Choral Placement Hearing "Doodle poll" to reserve a time:

    You needn't prepare anything for the hearing, and we look forward to working with you this year!

    For more information, contact: Dr. Jamie Spillane at