School, Program, and Course Information

  • Patagonia Biodiversity and Horse Culture

    Sign up for this exciting new Fall 2015 course: ANSC 2695/NRE 4695 Patagonian Biodiversity and Horse Culture
    1 credit

    8 week course to start approx. week of Oct 14

    Students must also enroll in ANSC 3693/NRE 3693 Foreign Studies in Animal Science/Natural Resources and the Environment (1-2 credits) for the fieldwork in Patagonia, a winter intersession course.

    Fieldwork occurs Jan 2-16, 2016

    Email for more info


    These are two new courses being taught for the first time. Classes are taught concurrently with NRE 4695 and NRE 3693.

    Class will meet for one hour for the last 8-weeks of the Fall 2015 semester, learning about the ecology and biodiversity of Patagonia and

      how it has been affected by the livestock industry with special emphasis on the horse.  Then we will travel during the winter-break 

          (January 2016) to the Southernmost part of Chile.  We will be camping and visiting ranches, observing wild horses, and making

    horse welfare suggestions as well as visiting the famous Torres del Paine National Park. This is an Education Abroad Program!

    For more information, contact: Dr. Jenifer Nadeau at