Volunteer Opportunities

  • Gain Cultural Experience as a Conversation Partner

    UConn's American English Language Institute (UCAELI) seeks volunteers to be conversation partners for the Fall Semester.

    UCAELI students come from all over the world to study English.  As part of their coursework, they participate in conversation classes with volunteers from the UConn community.  It’s a rewarding experience for all involved, as students get the chance to practice their conversation skills in an informal situation, while volunteers get to meet interesting new people and gain cross-cultural perspectives.  UCAELI instructors will provide a topic for discussion or an activity and remain in the class to facilitate.  No advanced preparation is necessary, just an eagerness to converse and collaborate!

    Conversation Classes will take place on Fridays starting September 11, 2015 from 11am-12pm.

    If this all sounds great to you and you're ready to volunteer, here's your next step: Email Libby Quesada at elizabeth.quesada@uconn.edu times/days/dates you would like to participate in. 


    For more information, contact: Libby Quesada at elizabeth.quesada@uconn.edu