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    A Study on First Impressions


    Latina and White women undergraduates at UConn, 18 and older, are invited to participate in a study on first impressions. The eligibility for the study will be determined upon completion of an online pre-screening survey.

    Eligible volunteers will be invited to the lab. They will be asked to give us their impressions of the strangers based on their daily conversations.

    The participants will be paid $10/hour for their participation. The study will take about 2 hours.


    If interested please contact:

    Selin Goktas

    Department of Psychology

    Thank you for your consideration.


    For more information, please contact the Student Investigator, Selin Goktas, at You may also reach out to the Principal Investigator, Professor Nairan Ramirez-Esparza, at This research received IRB approval under the identification number: H15-001. 


    For more information, contact: Selin Goktas at