
  • 1 & 2-month-olds :Human Subjects Requested

    Have you ever wondered, “What is my baby learning when watching others?” If so, the C.A.P. Lab invites you to participate in our exciting Husky See, Husky Do study. 

    The Cognition, Action, and Psychophysiology (C.A.P.) Lab in the Psychology Department at UConn Waterbury Campus is actively seeking participants between the ages of 1 to 2 months for the Husky See, Husky Do study on infant social learning. The goal of the Husky See, Husky Do study is to gather information about the normal development of social learning over the first 2 years of life.   

    What does participating in the Husky See, Husky Do study involve?

    We invite you and your baby to visit us at the C.A.P. Lab to play imitation games.  As part of our longitudinal study, you would visit us when your infant is 1-2 months and again when your infant is 6, 12, 18, and 24 months of age, for a total of five 45 minute visits. 

    We offer flexible scheduling, plus free and convenient parking.  Of course, you will be with your infant at all times, and siblings, grandparents, etc. are welcome to come along as well!  As a special thank you for participating, your baby will typically receive a bib or t-shirt with our lab logo and an official certificate of participation (perfect for framing!). 

    For your first two visits, we are also able to offer $25 (cash) compensation.  You can find out about our most current project findings by going to our lab website and facebook page (see below).  We are called the “C.A.P. Lab” because as we play games, your infant will wear a stretchy cap with sensors (to record brain waves) and two small sticky patches on his/her back (to record heart activity).  These procedures are non-invasive (not harmful in any way), and similar to those used in a doctor’s office.   In fact, babies are often too busy playing with us to even notice!

    How do I sign up or find out more about the Husky See, Husky Do study?

    We would love the chance to talk with you!  To find out more, contact us (203) 236-9933 ( and/or check us out online ( and facebook (  Agreeing to talk with us over the phone does not obligate you to participate. We want to tell you all the details before you decide whether or not you would like to participate.  We hope to hear from you soon for this fun and exciting experience!

    This study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol #H12-289

    For more information, contact: Kimberly Cuevas at